R U OK? Day 2024

Ask R U OK? ANY Day!

Thursday 12 September is R U OK? Day.

 R U OK? Day 2024 is a chance for everyone find out how the people in their world are really going. ​

Are they really OK? Ask them today.

Do you know how the people in your world are really going?
Life's ups and downs happen to all of us. So chances are someone you know might be struggling. Your genuine support can make a difference whatever they are facing, big or small. 

So, don’t wait until someone’s visibly distressed or in crisis. Make a moment meaningful and ask them how they’re really going. 
Are they really OK? Ask them today. Your conversation could change a life. 

R U OK? as an organisation is helping people have these important conversations, by providing easy to follow conversation guides. These complimentary kits will assist you with what to say when someone says they’re not OK and will guide you through how you can continue a conversation that could change a life.

  • You can check out the R U OK? Conversation Guide HERE 
  • Alternatively, R U OK? also offers a collection of free activity sheets and quiz's to get you conversation ready. 

If you are concerned about someone, why not take this chance to sit down and check in with them. Remember, you don’t have to have all the answers, but you can sit and listen, and encourage them to get help if they need it.​

If you, or someone you know are struggling, visit this page or reach out to one of the below services: