Term 1 enrolments open
We are taking enrolments for Term 1, which you can access at the link
GymbaROO classes are renowned for being such great fun! Babies love them, children love them, and parents love them. Every activity at GymbaROO is based on fun and learning together. Games, music, songs, dancing, climbing, hanging, swinging, jumping and tumbling all form part of the program in which parents enjoy actively engaging with their babies and children. Babies and young children thrive on activities that are developmentally beneficial and parents thrive when their children thrive. It’s a win–win!
At GymbaROO you will find a room full of amazing and colourful equipment that has been specifically designed and built in Australia for babies and children. Each piece of equipment serves the purpose of providing crucial stimulation for optimal physical and neurological development.
Age group:6wks babies to 6 years old children.
Follow us on Facebook & Instagram (GymbaROO Rousehill) as there are so many updates and fun, informative posts constantly being shared. Check us out!!
Term 1 enrolments are OPEN NOW!
book you spot NOW in our amazing programs.
open Monday-Saturday
If there is anything I can help you with,
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me via email or phone.