Welcome to Country
View RHTC's Welcome To Country video with our local Dharug Aunties.
Warami budyari naady'unya Dharug Ngurrawa
Which means hello/welcome, good to see you on Dharug Country.
This land, where Rouse Hill Town Centre stands has seen the Dharug people gather here for tens of thousands of years. To hunt and feast, to sing and dance in ceremony.
We have partnered with the local Dharug community to celebrate NAIDOC Week. View our Welcome To Country video below.
Which means hello/welcome, good to see you on Dharug Country.
This land, where Rouse Hill Town Centre stands has seen the Dharug people gather here for tens of thousands of years. To hunt and feast, to sing and dance in ceremony.
We have partnered with the local Dharug community to celebrate NAIDOC Week. View our Welcome To Country video below.