Climate Change & Energy
RHTC is committed to being carbon neutral and resilient to the impacts of climate change. We are committed to reducing the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, playing our part in the global energy transition and the shift to a low-carbon economy.
Initiatives to Reduce Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions:
Solar Power Panels
Rouse Hill has 2,953 Solar Power Panels on our roof, following the installation of an additional 1301 Solar Panels (605kW) in 2023. This totals to 1.055 Megawatts and is equivalent to powering 182 average NSW homes annually.LED Lighting Upgrades
We are consistently striving to replace fluorescent, compact fluorescent, HID as well as older model LED lights throughout the centre with upgraded energy-efficient LED lights. In 2023, GPT upgraded all the existing LED lights installed in our carpark and upgraded to newer LED models with higher lumen output per watt. The higher lumen output per watt from LEDs make them capable of turning about 70% of their energy into light to reduce power consumption and increase efficiency. Since project completion we have seen a 30% reduction in energy usage from our carparks.
Best practice sustainability initiatives have been incorporated into the design and development of Rouse Hill Town Centre. As you walk around Rouse Hill Town Centre, you will find plaques that form part of the Healthy Town Walk. Each of these plaques contains a message as to how GPT has reduced its ecological footprint during the centre’s development, whilst still providing a safe and fun environment for both current and future members of the community.
The asset features a passive-design for cooling using tenant spill air, blinds and louvres, water features and landscaping. Climate responsive design features such as the operable roof (above) and blinds assist us by allowing the sun to shine through when it’s cold and keeping it out when it’s hot. This reduces our need for air conditioning, heating and artificial light. We have used deciduous trees throughout Rouse Hill Town Centre to provide light and warmth as well as shade and cooling. This helps to reduce our energy use and the greenhouse emissions associated with artificial lighting, cooling and heating.
To reduce energy consumption, the public spaces outside Woolworths, Coles and within the Food Terrace are temperature controlled via the building management system utilising temperature and humidity sensors as well as wind and rains sensors to optimise conditions when the plant is running or by using natural ventilation mode.
Our travelators are installed with intermittent drives allowing automatic adjustment of speed when passengers aren't present.
Lighting is also controlled by our building management system, using a combination of lux sensors and timing programs to minimise lighting being activated when sufficient light is available.
Load Flex
Rouse Hill participates in a optimisation program driven by Shell Energy called HVAC LoadFlex Solution. This program intelligently reduces the total quantity of energy we use and time of use by automating the control of our chiller plant through an optimisation device installed at our chiller plant. This device automatically adjusts or 'flexes' our energy consumption at the centre in an efficient way, providing various benefits to both the asset and the grid, essentially lowering energy consumption and keeping demand low for improved grid resilience. If you would like to find out more information on HVAC LoadFlex Solution click here
Demand Response
By participating in the HVAC LoadFlex Solution provided by Shell Energy, Rouse Hill is also able to take advantage of demand management opportunities and make use of lower tariff options where available. Demand Response involves large energy users, like Rouse Hill Town Centre, reducing their demand for energy taken from the grid when requested to help maintain grid reliability. These Demand Response events are activated when there is significant pressure on the electricity system due to very high demand or supply constraints. If you would like to find out more information on Demand Response click here.